Medicaid Spend Down Rules
Internet Video Marketing - The Riches Are In The Niches

Most people don't like to plan ahead. Perhaps it is in our very nature to avoid having to make estate plans, for fear of facing our own mortality, if we talk about the "D" word. Maybe if we keep quiet, it will just go away. It is the proverbial "elephant in the room" no one ever wants to talk about. We are now at a point in our lives, and with our massive aging population, that forces us to think about planning ahead and many other challenging issues and decisions with our loved ones

This type of coordination can augment the service provided by home care agencies, particularly if the aides are only on duty for a few hours every day. Perhaps best of all the service is free and the website is fairly intuitive. The process takes less time than a phone call on the volunteer side, but the administrator (e. g. you) has to be fairly on-task with what needs doing.

It is actually very common for those who are in such a situation to deny it is happening. This is especially the case in situations where the loved one was strong and independent previously. He or she may feel as though just complaining about the care is not acceptable or that such complaints are bothersome to you. If your loved one denies that anything bad is happening, ask a doctor to talk to the loved one and to consider the physical condition of the individual.

This will be the topic of a series of articles during the month of October. The recurring theme will be planning - the earlier that you approach this topic, the better your chances of maximizing your personal worth throughout your life. Even those who eat well, exercise regularly, and do not have a history of infirmities or chronic illness could be struck down suddenly by stroke or other traumatic or acute injury. Anyone of retirement age should pay close attention to this series and begin the long term care planning process. South Alabama residents should call their Area Agency on Aging to request a consultation with an elder law attorney, by calling (251) 433-6541 or 1 (800) AGE-LINE.

The most common uses are for home and or business security. Nanny abuse, employee theft, elder abuse in a nursing home are some of the uses. Most situations where a nanny cam, granny cam or business problem call for a hidden camera are temporary by nature anyhow so a rental of a hidden camera is perfect and makes great sense.

Well, I think you can guess what happened. Jane was unprepared for the reality of long term care. I could hear the stress in her voice as she described the deterioration of Dad's mental and physical state, from the mood swings and erratic behavior to the declining personal hygiene and the inability to walk without assistance. His care needs were increasing and Jane was unable to handle the increased demands on her time while caring for her own young children.

One can install video cameras in the house with an Internet feed to watch that the older loved one is not abused or robbed. But people tend to keep their valuables in their bedroom, and no older person trying to live at home to retain their independence is likely to consent to that level of invasion of privacy.