Medicaid Spend Down Rules
Should You Purchase Long Term Care Insurance?

Most people don't like to plan ahead. Perhaps it is in our very nature to avoid having to make estate plans, for fear of facing our own mortality, if we talk about the "D" word. Maybe if we keep quiet, it will just go away. It is the proverbial "elephant in the room" no one ever wants to talk about. We are now at a point in our lives, and with our massive aging population, that forces us to think about planning ahead and many other challenging issues and decisions with our loved ones.

elder abuse is running rampant in our country. It's been estimated that abusive situations exist in nearly one out of every three nursing homes in the United States. And studies have also indicated that for every case of abuse that has been reported, five others remain unreported.

"Can we stop service at any time without a penalty?" A home care agency should ask no more than a week's notice to end services. Of course if the client dies or goes into the hospital, this should be waived.

Unfortunately, I recently witnessed a young man using profanity toward his mother in the dentist's office. While she didn't appear the least bit troubled by his disrespectful language, I was appalled. If I had used profanity within earshot of my parents-even if it wasn't directed toward them-there's a great possibility that I would not be alive today to write this column.

The client comes in the door and sees a sign that says: "The Smith Law Firm welcomes Mr. and Mrs. Jones, June 1, 2005." The receptionist rises from behind her desk and greets the Joneses warmly by name. They are escorted to the conference room and automatically served a glass of water from a carafe. They are asked if they would like anything else -- coffee, soda, etc. The conference room is decorated with personal memorabilia and warm objects that reflect the values of the firm's clients. (Example: if the firm specializes in elder law, there are photos of the attorney's parents, a 1930's era antique radio, a copy of Tom Brokaw's The Greatest Generation.) The attorney enters the conference at the precise time of the appointment and greets Mr. and Mrs. Jones warmly.

Gingivitis can lead to periodontitis. This occurs when plaque spreads and grows beneath the gum line. The bacteria in the plaque then produce toxins that irritate the gums. The toxins cause a chronic inflammatory response where the body basically turns on itself and the tissues and bone that support the teeth are broken down and destroyed. The gums separate from the teeth, forming spaces between the teeth and gums that become infected. As the disease progresses, the spaces deepen and more and more gum tissue and bone are destroyed. Eventually, teeth can become loose and may have to be removed.

Another thing is then, the over load of hospitals in Ireland. And how to tackle this issues? By bringing them home! Home nurse will look after your elderly parents just as well as they would be treated in the hospital. So why keep them too long when it's not necessary?